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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Thursday

Two local blogs are dealing with traffic in LA in different ways. Here In Van Nuys is begging for a monorail system down the 405 which could cut the commute time between the Valley and Marina Del Rey down to 20 minutes. A new blog, LA Traffic Sucks, is starting first to find out why indeed LA traffic sucks, and then will begin to discuss possible solutions.

The Canadian transplants at We's In California are marveling at all the different types of food stores one finds in Los Angeles. On the other hand, author Gareth hasn't quite got the nerve to buy produce from trucks that ply his neighborhood because he's afraid his lack of Spanish fluency would embarras him.

The Daily News reminds us that downtown developer Eli Broad promised no public funds for his grand scheme for Grand Avenue. Now, he hints at a figure of at least $440 million in public funds to develop a hotel and other properties. Not one hotel chain and not one major retailer has committed to taking space in the project - which should be a sign that the project doesn't make sense. When the city can't afford the police officers it needs nor pave the streets, its hardly time for giveaways for millionaire fat cats.

City of LA Meetings for Thursday

9:00AM- Budget & Finance Committee Meeting, SPECIAL MEETING


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Poverty pimp Eli Broad is pimping out his girl Glo-HOR-ia Molina to suck some county cash up for his latest pipe dream.

April 27, 2006 2:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Broad is a phony! He continues to try to "reform" the dinosaur LAUSD, when he should be helping to break it up into smaller mini-districts.

He opposed valley cityhood, but never said anything how the city has neglected the valley. At least AV has paved some potholes and put traffic officers at busy intersections.

He's doing these civic projects just to appease his guilt about being rich.

April 28, 2006 11:09 PM  

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